Friday, August 6, 2010

3 things I am looking forward to!

I have 3 things on my mind right now and surprisingly it's not Decorating.

1. Ethan comes home in 3 weeks.

2. School starts in 4 weeks.

3. Jarrett comes home in 12 weeks.

I have to say I am excited for school this year. I have one going in 2nd (wow) and one going in Kindergarden (wow again). I can't believe it. I never thought caden's time would come. He is super excited.! And, he has ethans kindergarden teacher. He likes that idea. So you can bet on me spending some precious alone time with landon! Which I think he will love.

It's been a great summer. Had lots of good memories and some sad. Sad being that Jarrett (Daddy) wasn't here to spend it with us. He unfortunately spent his summer in IRAQ. And even though he was gone, I survived and still am surviving, but would NEVER want to do it again. I feel for those single moms out there. It's tuff. I say SINGLE because thats what it feels like only I get to have communication with him. That I am grateful for. Thanks to todays Technology!! I love you sweety!

1 Sweet Comments:

Melissa said...

Hey Kathy!!!
Thank you so much for your sweet comment on my blog. I am hoping you have your little girl too...Jaime and I were just talking about that. It has been so much fun reconnecting and knowing how you are doing thorugh blogs. You seem SO happy and I love that you enjoy the precious blessing of being a mommy and wife! I can tell you are great at it!!
Take Care!